Categorie : Awards


FIT Growth - LHS gets an important loan

LHS obtained a loan of 500'000 CHF from the FIT - the Foundation for Technological Innovation . Thank you to the FIT committee for their generosity and trust. This loan will be of great help to us in the production of the first devices and the placing on the market.

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FIT Seed Loan 100kCHF

We are delighted to announce that the FIT comitee allocated a the Seed Loan to our project. It will help the production of a functional prototype and start the CE marking of the system.

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LHS wins the 1st round of Venture Kick!

Thank you Venture Kick for your help in the development of the company. We are looking forward to the next round and the associated milestones!

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#4 Top100

LHS was ranked #4 during the Top100 award public voting initiative. We are very grateful to all the persons who voted for us.

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LHS in Venture Top 25 Business Plan

Lambda Health System was selected top 25 Business Plan out of 116 applicants at the award in 2016.

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LHS listed as one of the top 20 Medtech companies in Europe!

Lambda Health System was selected top 20 Medtech company in Europe by the jury of HealthTtech Summit in Lausanne!

Close to 200 nominations were received, 123 companies applied and 40 finalists were rigorously screened and chosen by the selection committee over a period of several months. Companies were selected on the basis of the uniqueness of their solutions, strength of their business model, capability to execute on their business plan and quality and track record of their management teams.

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LHS wins the Generation Entrepreneur Award

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LHS at "Grand prix des exposants" EPHJ

During the EPHJ/EMPT/SMT in Palexpo in Geneva, LHS presented the Lambda robot. The project was selected for nomination for the award "Grand prix des exposants" along with 6 other finalists out of more than 40 applicants.

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GENILEM support offered to Lambda

GENILEM offers its support to Lambda for a period of 3 years! Its network of people and its coaching in business development will be an asset for the growth of our company.

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European Mechatronic Award 2017 for Lambda

LHS wins the Silver Innovation Award at the European Mechatronic Event 2017 in Lyon.

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LHS wins Venture Kick 2!

Many thanks to Venture Kick for the 20'000 CHF start capital and one more opportunity for us to be kicked into the intermediate Camp! We are looking forward for the final pitch competition!

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Award granted to Aurelien Fauquex at STIL 2014

Aurélien Fauquex, CEO of LHS, wins first place in the pitch session organized by STIL (Salon des Technologies et de l'Innovation de Lausanne) as he competed against 11 other startups in the Geneva Lake region.

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