
The Lambda system is composed of multiple exercise sessions each designed to be applied to a specific functionality. The sessions are developed using cutting edge technologies, all at their full potential to improve lower limb rehabilitation.

Your new buddy
The Lambda Robot

The Lambda robot is an innovative device that allows patients to practice in a perfectly defined environment. It allows therapists to create and/or use pre-defined exercices which help the patient with his specific needs.

Ease of use

The user interface was developped with one thing in mind : the therapist. Providing a full exercices library,it never gets in the way and makes it really easy to customize according to very special needs.

Safety first

The robot is developed, assembled and coded in Switzerland. Based on a real time operating system, its position is controlled every millisecond to ensure the safety of the patient.

Evidence based

Cycling, PressLeg and KneeFlex are all three classic exercices used in physiotherapy and assessed by clinical trials. Our robot allows them but also nearly everything that is possible to do on legs.

Non intrusive

The Lambda is fully customizable. Allowing therapists to create new exercices, it also ships with a full featured learning mode, able to reproduce the finest variations of movements indefinitely.

Unobtrusive therapy

The robot integrates seamlessly in any kind of existent infrastructure. Its programs can be easily implemented into any therapy, or be used as a main support for new ones.

Precise as a swiss watch

The robot checks leg positions every ten milliseconds and the strength applied to them every millisecond. It then analyzes the data in real time to react accordingly.

Learning mode

The robot comes with a powerful tool which allows therapists to move the robot's leg which will then replicate that movement using high precision software. It can then be adjusted accordingly.


The robot applies security checks both on the hardware and the software. Every time data is collected, it checks for functional risks in order to avoid the slightest danger.

Software rules

The therapist can select any artificial environment offering patients a variety of impressions to enhance their experience and take their therapy to a completely new level. i.e. the feeling of walking on wet sand or cycling thru water.

Made in Switzerland

The robot and its software are entirely crafted at our company plant. We are continuously working with specialists to improve both the software and the hardware, making it as complete as possible.

Sweet interaction
The User Interface

The Lambda robot is controlled by a cutting-edge, simple to use UI, which aims at providing consise and straightforward tools to interact with it. Developed in collaboration with therapists and UI professionals, it applies logical concepts bringing the learning curve to the ground.

Show me some pictures

Ease of use

The UI was conceptualized and designed by therapists. We were there just to write the code! It is meant to be used naturally, mirroring real life with the simple concept of sessions of work composed of exercises.


The system encrypts all passwords and each person accessing the UI provides his own. No patient's personal data can be seen by anyone but the concerned person.

flawless install

Installing the system is just as easy and can be adapted to any kind of infrastructure. From running the program on one single computer to accessing the underlying database through various clients … there's nothing that can't be done.

Ready to roll

Plenty of ready-to-use exercises are waiting for you to try. Or you can edit your own, save them or even share them with colleagues.

Beautiful from every angle

Our UI is beautiful to watch and play with, but is also handsomely coded, delivering great speed with minimal impact on your computer.

Multi users ready

Each therapist has an account with his patient and his personalized set of exercises. Data is safely stored on the database with no information exchange.

Data manipulation made easy

The UI comes with a complete system to visualize data in various graphs, combined with export tools for Excel or anything else.

A touch of fun
Serious games

During the last decade serious games have made much progress in a variety of fields including military, health, education, safety and more. They allow users to exercise in a different way and thanks to the Lambda robot, deliver a more intense and immersive experience.

Our games

We have currently four games under active development and other ones on the way. Some of them can even be played using an Oculus Rift for a more immersive experience.

Be the ball

The patient plays a ball, controlling its direction with his legs. Picking up speed will enable him to collect bonus points while hitting the wall slows him down.

Gate crossing

The patient controls a spaceship's direction (up, down, left and right) and must go through virtual circles picking up speed if he passes in its center.

Bike rehab

In this game the patient plays a biker and controls his bike. He can also jump over obstacles or collect bonus points with the help of an external button.

Photo tour

The patient is walking in a forest following a defined path and must move his head to check his surroundings and photograph animals.

Gaming with the Lambda robot

Our games are designed and conceptualized with help of therapists, health specialists and designers to deliver an experience which is just as nice as it is useful for the patient. While exercising helps him recover his legs, games help on focusing on something else while using them, in a more instinctive way.

Score system

Each game includes a score system to help the patient keep track of his progress in a motivating way, so that he can brag about his skills with his hospital buddies every evening !

Body coordination

Among his legs, the patient must use other parts of his body within games, and learn to work and coordinate them in a way exercises can't do, just like in real life use cases.

Positive psychological impact

Exercises and games were made so that you can't fail them, but the pride earned after achieving a new goal while gaming is much higher, with a very positive impact on mental health.